Reach clients
in four easy steps
Register your airline into JetYou
Enter details of your flight into the airlines portal
The flight is displayed to passengers in the mobile application immediately
A passenger makes a booking through the mobile application and you are notified about the inquiry
Once the airline and the passenger have been connected, any further communication, agreements and actions are subject to general terms and conditions of the respective airline unless otherwise agreed between the airline and the user.
JetYou is integrated with
Aeriel, a brand-new business aviation management and scheduling software. With Aeriel, you can publish a new empty leg in JetYou in a matter of seconds.
JetYou is also able to import empty legs from
Leon and
Get your
30 day free trial
Airliners monthly fee of EUR 1.000 (VAT excluded) or discounted annual subscription of EUR 11.000. No other fees, hidden costs or provisions.
JetYou is owned and has been developed by the R.A.F. Station Czechoslovakia to support their museum of flyable vintage aircraft.